Thursday 17 December 2009

Scandal of the decade at Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London

Scandal at Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London


  1. Would you all be interested in knowing what happened at Guys and St Thomas Hospital to the patients and the whistleblower.

    we all know, this is nothing unusual in the NHS, but this is unique story. Whatever you want to know about how to 'cover up' negligence in patient care here are some tips from the Medical Director at this hospital.

    1) Have you seen in any tertiary care NHS hospital, an 80 year old patient operated without an echocardiogram especially when he had a severe mitral and aortic regurgitation and his ejection fraction was 25 %.

    2) Have you seen a patient was not seen by any consultant for 7 days especially when she was fighting for life in ICU and finally died.

    3)Have you seen patients are being operated without the surgeon looking at the CT scan film. Thereby missing lesions during operation and patients come back to hospital with grown up lesions when it was too late to operate.

    4) Have you seen patients dying without the consultant seeing the patients.

    5) Have you seen patients with huge abscess are being kept for 2 months without being operated. Finally, when he was operated the surgeon didn't know the Anatomy of the region and the whistle blower had to help them out, otherwise they would have left the abscess in situ.

    6)Have you seen hypothyroid patients are being operated without checking the thyroid status and finally it turns out the patient was hypothyroid after surgery.

    Patients are lucky sometimes, inspite of all these some of them do survive and go home.

    Want to know more, how did they all escape the GMC investigation for 4 years?

    Keep watching this page.

  2. yes - medicine is dying in this country for want of doctors who care

    I see others with similar stories in Occupational Health - the "lucky" ones who never get to see a doctor

  3. Rahul said,

    The whistleblower had raised these concerns in a letter to the Head of Service on 20th July 05 with a copy to the Medical Director on 21st July 05.

    He had raised concerns about the treatment of these patients earlier verbally to the Head of Service and Deputy Medical Director months ago. That cause detriment and they decided to terminate his job.

    After raising these concerns in a letter, the Head of Service and the Consultant involved asked the whistleblower (WB) not to go on to the ward. They cut the WB’s salary the next day.

    The WB wrote a complaint letter to the GMC attaching the complaint letter to the hospital authorities and added few more patients to that list. The Head of Service gave the termination letter to the WB against the law, as he was entitled to 3 months notice.

    Please note the WB was not aware of the hospital’s ‘Whistle blowing’ policy or ‘Public Interest Disclosure Act’ that time.

    On 2nd Aug 05, the Head of Service had instructed the service manager to collect WB’s ID badge and the bleep and she had written a mail to the Head of service that the security to be called if the WB was hanging around, as if, the WB had stolen their property. (E-mail will be published soon).

    As the WB refused to leave the hospital accommodation without an enquiry, they had conducted an enquiry on 10th August 05. That day they gave the ‘Whistle blowing’ policy to the WB. The Trust Investigating panel had told the WB that he would be reinstated if his concerns were found to be genuine. Later, the WB was surprised to read the policy as it was a genuine policy and he believed they would reinstate him, as he was 100% sure his concerns were genuine and they were negligent in treating the patients.

    They took 3 months to investigate WB’s concerns and finally covered up every thing and told the WB that his concerns were found to be malicious. The WB asked for a copy of the report but was refused, he asked the Chairman of the Trust Investigating panel, Ms.Maggie Hicklin to reinstate him for the 3 months notice period at least, as he refused to take 3 months pay in lieu of the notice period, but that was refused. They badly criticised the WB that his concerns were based on Indian practise. They lied in the Trust Investigating report that the Echocardiogram was done for that patient who died in the postoperative period. (Scanned documents will be published soon).

    The Medical Director was aware of everything that was happening to the WB and the patients but didn’t try to protect either of them. In fact, he was totally involved in the ‘cover up’ of the negligence.

    More information will follow please keep watching this page:

  4. The WB filed a case in the empoyment tribunal in Oct 05. The Medical Director sent a letter to the WB that his concerns weren't well founded. Later, in December 05 the GMC had closed WB's concerns without informing him (unlawful).

    In December 05, the Home Office had lost WB's documents (? deliberately) when he applied to renew the visa (HSMP). WB didn't get passport/visa until the end of May 06, for 6 months. WB couldn't work for 6 months during this period or go home.

    The whole year 2006 was a mess for all overseas Doctors, more so for the WB.

    WB lost the case in tribunal in April 05 because the witnesses from the Hospital Trust (Especially the then Deputy Medical Director (name will appear soon), Ms.Maggie Hicklin (Chairman of Trust investigating panel)and a consultant who was involved in the complaints) have all lied in the tribunal that the tribunal, wihtout any reservation believed.

    There was a writen evidence of 'cover up' and 'perjury' but was not highlighted to the tribunal by WB's barrister. That was the crucial evidence in his case.

    All these events were orchestrated by the hospital's Medical Director who thinks he is politically influential person.

    According to Public Interest Disclosure Act, reasonable suspicion of 'cover up' is enough, but in WB's case there was written evidence of 'cover up' but the case failed.

    WB had never seen the Medical Director in the wards in more than a year as the Medical Director behaves like more of a politician than a Medical Doctor.

    Please watch this page, as a new web site containing these materials will start soon.

  5. These events had happened in Colo rectal surgery firm in Guys and St Thomas Hospital and the Doctors involved are Mr.Andrew Williams and Mr.Mark George, Consultant Surgeons. These are only some cases I had mentioned that happened within a period of 4 months. You can imagine how many patients would have died in these 4 1/2 years. They continue to work in this hospital, thanks to Dr.Edward Baker's tactics.

    The Head of Service at that time was Mr.Peter Taylor, Vascular Surgeon and the Medical Director then and now is Dr.Edward Baker.

    New website that will show the documents in this case will start soon.

  6. The then Deputy medical Director who was invloved in this scandal was Mr.Robert c.Mason.

    The GMC had investigated my complaints and the government is keeping the report for the past 6 months without releasing it. The leaked report suggests that my concerns were not only true and genuine but they were all guilty of negligence in patient care and 'cover up' of negligence.

    The reports will appear soon in a website.
